Vous pouvez changer les dates de début et fin pour visualiser les statistiques de vos fiches sur la période que vous souhaitez.
Vous pouvez changer les dates de début et fin pour visualiser…
The « workshop or retreat » cards will expire on the date of the beginning of the retreat or the workshop + 1 day, or if the start date of the event begins after the expiry date of the package, the card will expire at the expiration of the package.
The « workshop or retreat » cards will expire on the date…
The « class » cards will expire on the expiration date of the package.
The « class » cards will expire on the expiration date…
\”>”,”,”Professionnel,Professionnels \”>”,”,”menu \”>”,”,”2018-11-01 19:24:03″ “3. How packages work? \”>”,”,”Packages are valid for 1 year from the date of subscription of the package. With a package, you can create your cards (see FAQ Whatâs a card? ).
\">",","Professionnel,Professionnels \">",","menu \">",","2018-11-01…
Vous pouvez sélectionner les fiches de votre choix.
Vous pouvez sélectionner les fiches de votre choix.
You can choose the package which suits you better among Feather, Balance or Bliss. For the launch of the website and until 2020, we offer you the Bliss package that consist in one  free year of unlimited publications of cards of classes, workshops or retreats. Once this offers will expire, the following will be available: – 1 free class card per professional: unlimited duration. – Several packages available according to the number of cards published in the year of subscription.
You can choose the package which suits you better among Feather,…